Do most people have tinnitus in quiet environments?

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  • Source:Md Hearing Aids
After investigation, many people who suffer from tinnitus do not know what is going on. They often think that it is just a temporary minor problem. Later, when it becomes serious, they have to go to see it. Tinnitus is not an ordinary minor problem, and everyone must pay great attention to it.

Do most people have tinnitus in a quiet environment?

Tinnitus is a sound that can be felt in the human ears when there is no external interference and stimulation. In fact, This is an illusion in the auditory system. Tinnitus is the subjective perception of sound in the absence of any objective sound source, especially when the surrounding environment is quiet. For example, some people feel a buzzing sound in their ears from time to time, but they cannot find the source of the sound. This is tinnitus, which can make people confused and frightened, and seriously affects people's lives and work.

Although the ear is a sound collection and processing organ, its function has certain limits. When the external environment is louder, more signals are fed back to the brain. Even mild tinnitus will be masked by noisy outside sounds and is generally difficult to notice. However, at night or in some extremely quiet environments without external noise, the tinnitus will be relatively obvious, giving the impression that the tinnitus is getting worse. This is an illusion, but actually tinnitus has always existed.

The ear is the reaction organ for the thermal body to sense external sounds, but in many cases the ear will also falsely report information, such as Many people experience tinnitus, especially in quiet environments.
1. Nervous damage. The ear is an organ that receives sound. After receiving it, it is transmitted to the brain through nerves. However, if there is a problem with the auditory nerve, some neurotransmitters will be produced when no sound signal is received, giving some sound signals to the brain, and tinnitus will occur. The phenomenon is especially obvious in quiet environments.
2. Disorders of the ear pulse. The ear pulse is a bundle of nerves in the ear. Its function is to process and transmit sounds collected by the ear. Some patients have functional disorders of the ear pulse, such as insufficient transmitter production and transmitter release.Slow playback and other phenomena will cause neurological tinnitus. This phenomenon will also be relatively obvious in a quiet environment and is one of the pre-symptoms of deafness.
3. Lack of sleep. Sleep is the best way for the human brain to rest. However, if people do not get enough sleep and the brain does not rest enough, some information processing problems will occur. Tinnitus is one of them, which often occurs in patients who have been deprived of sleep for a long time. In a quiet environment, It will be more obvious, and the tinnitus will disappear automatically after supplementary sleep.

4. Kidney deficiency. Kidney deficiency is a traditional Chinese medicine theory. Tinnitus is one of the symptoms of kidney deficiency. It is mainly caused by insufficient kidney essence in the human body. Many functions are affected to varying degrees. Kidney deficiency can cause brain fatigue and cranial nerve dysfunction, which can lead to tinnitus symptoms.

How to improve tinnitus

1. Take medicine: If the tinnitus is relatively serious, you should take medicine for treatment under the guidance of a professional doctor. There are many types of drugs for treating tinnitus, the two most common ones being drugs that dilate blood vessels and nourish nerves. Don’t be deceived by the advertisements that say “XX medicine is a specific medicine for tinnitus and the effect is particularly good” or “Tinnitus will no longer come back after taking XX medicine.” There is no specific medicine for tinnitus, and no medicine can have an immediate effect. Let the tinnitus stop and disappear.

2. Relax the body and mind: Tension often causes or aggravates tinnitus; the purpose of relaxation training is to eliminate tension. Relaxation training can be done whether you are sitting or lying down. You might as well try it: close your eyes, put your hands on your abdomen or hold them together, and use your mind to control the muscles of your body to relax as much as possible. Start from the forehead, then move to the face, neck, chest, abdomen, upper and lower limbs, etc. 1 to 3 times a day, 10 to 20 minutes each time.

3. Wearing hearing aids: This method is suitable for patients with both tinnitus and hearing loss. Hearing aids can not only improve hearing, but also amplify the noise in the environment, thus masking the sound of tinnitus. But this method is not suitable for people who only feel tinnitus in the dead of night.

4. Tinnitus sound therapy: Based on hearing tests, tinnitus treatment methods are dynamically adjusted to relieve patients’ tinnitus symptoms in a targeted manner.