What to do if infants and young children have abnormal hearing?

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  • Source:Md Hearing Aids
In life, some babies show very slow reaction to the outside world after they are born. If they ring a bell or other toys in the baby's ear, there seems to be no special reaction. Parents must pay attention to it to avoid causing illness to the child. delays.

What should I do if my infants and young children have abnormal hearing?
What to do if your baby has hearing problems

When it is discovered that a child has a hearing problem, parents should take the child to the hospital for examination. Once it is determined that there is a hearing problem, timely treatment should be given under the guidance of a doctor. intervention treatment. For children with mild or moderate deafness, most hearing can return to normal after early rehabilitation treatment; for children with severe or extremely severe deafness, they need to wear hearing aids or undergo cochlear implantation to improve hearing when necessary. Although the children can hear sounds after treatment, they do not know what the sounds are and the meaning of the sounds, let alone how to distinguish sounds. Therefore, language training after hearing recovery is essential for children. 0-3 years old is the most critical stage for deaf children to undergo early language rehabilitation training. Clinical intervention in early language rehabilitation for deaf children can effectively improve the children's hearing, language skills and self-care abilities, thereby improving the children's quality of life. .

How to determine if your baby has hearing problems
1-3 months: No response to sudden loud noises. If the baby is sleeping, it can make If there is a reaction to a sudden sound, it will usually manifest as a startle or awakening reaction;

3-6 months: Will not look for the source of the sound;

6-9 Months: Unable to look at the people or objects mentioned in the instructions;

9-12 months: Unable to execute simple instructions, such as bring me the ball;

12- 15 months: unable to say the first word, such as: dad, mom, lamp, car, etc.;

15-18 months: indifferent to calls from neighbors;

18- 24 months: Cannot use two-word sentences;

When you find that your baby has hearing problems, you must be able to deal with them as soon as possible. Only by dealing with them as soon as possible can you have a chance. Let your baby's hearing return to normal. When a child is just born, the hospital will conduct various screenings, including hearing, vision, etc. Parents must cooperate and take the child for examination within the specified time to see if there are any abnormalities.

As a parent, when you discover that there are some abnormalities in your baby's hearing, you should immediately go to a professional hospital for examination, and make detailed reports of some diseases or other behaviors that have occurred in your child in the past. Tell the doctor that if it is caused by inflammation, you can take antibacterial and anti-inflammatory methods, and you should also consider testing whether there are any foreign bodies in the ear.

If you still feel uneasy, you can do a test to see if you have deafness. The instruments required are also veryThere are many, including some genetic factors. Once it is discovered that a baby has this tendency, the most professional treatment measures must be taken immediately.

When a baby's hearing is damaged to varying degrees, it is necessary to wear various corrective instruments in a timely manner. Some are due to delayed intellectual development. At this time, other recovery measures can be taken. Once symptoms such as a cold appear, you should go to a professional children's hospital. Do not give the baby some fever-reducing drugs indiscriminately, otherwise it will easily cause damage to their ears.