What habits in our lives can cause hearing loss?

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  • Source:Md Hearing Aids
The World Health Organization (WHO), a subsidiary of the United Nations, released data on February 12, 2019, stating that approximately 1.1 billion young people (between 12-35 years old) worldwide are currently at risk of irreversible hearing loss. This is a scary and huge number. Many bad habits in daily life are one of the main killers of hearing.

What habits in our lives can cause hearing loss?

Audiologists point out: But do you know that many incorrect habits in life can damage our hearing loss, and even deafness. The following 6 aspects will affect hearing loss:
1. Genetic factors. If the patient begins to suffer from hearing loss in his forties or fifties, he should consider the elders or relatives in the family. If they also begin to suffer from hearing loss at this age, this may be caused by genetic factors.

2. Long-term noise intrusion. Whether it is the sound of machines operating or honking horns, noisy and disorderly sounds can damage the eardrums. In life, you should try to avoid long-term exposure to noisy environments, such as the sound of firecrackers or the roar of machine tools. If you are forced to come into contact, you must take protective measures.

3. Illness and external trauma. Colds, mumps, or shingles can easily damage hearing.
4. Ototoxic drugs. Many antibiotics in life can cause irreversible hearing damage if used improperly. People born in the 1950s and 1960s all used gentamicin and streptomycin. They are ototoxic drugs that can seriously damage hearing and even cause deafness.

5. Unreasonable use of ears. Nowadays, young people like to turn on the speakers very loudly when listening to music, or wear headphones to listen to MP3 and MP4 for a long time. These are all harmful to the eardrums. According to standards, sounds exceeding 80 decibels for a long time are considered noise, whether it is music or other types of sounds, and are not good for the ears.

6. Emotional excitement and nervousness. The most obvious example is a quarrel. Whether it is a conflict within the family or between colleagues, once a dispute breaks out, anger may lead to tinnitus or worse. In addition, long-term mental stress and being in a depressed and unhappy environment can lead to insomnia, and over time can also cause damage to the auditory nerve.

The ear is an important organ in the human body. It allows us to perceive the world in a way that is not used for seeing, listen to beautiful music, listen to the stream in the forest, or enjoy a loved one words. Therefore, we must take care of hearing health.

People of every age group need good work and rest habits. Nowadays, many young people feel that they do not need to pay attention to hearing protection. This idea isIncorrect. Bad habits in daily life may cause damage to our hearing. Therefore, protecting hearing starts from good living habits, starting from you and me.