What should an elderly person do if he cannot hear?

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  • Source:Md Hearing Aids
People can hear sounds because they have a series of fine structures in the outer ear and middle ear, which then conduct the sound into the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for converting the sound into a signal that the brain can recognize and transmits it in. The brain then analyzes the meaning of the sound. As people age, their inner ear function deteriorates, resulting in progressive sensorineural deafness, which is like the wrinkles that age leaves on a person's face.

What should the elderly do if they cannot hear?

It is necessary to check your hearing. Generally, hearing loss is normal as you get older, but if you want to hear the sound well, At this time, the only option is to rely on intervention. The sooner you wear a hearing aid, the better the effect. If you can't hear well for a long time, the response will slow down. If you wear a hearing aid at this time, the effect will not be very good.

Adjust the diet structure, balance the diet, and enhance nutrition. A low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar diet and more vitamin-rich foods containing zinc, iron, calcium, etc. can help improve blood circulation in the inner ear and prevent hearing loss.

Develop a good lifestyle and habits, quit smoking (smoking can reduce blood oxygen, and hypoxia can cause damage to inner ear hair cells), quit drinking (Can cause spasm of small blood vessels, affecting blood supply to the inner ear). Arrange your daily life reasonably and don't overwork yourself.

Maintain a good mental state. When a person is highly stressed or anxious and angry, the secretion of adrenaline in the body increases, which can cause spasm of small arteries in the inner ear and slow blood flow in the small blood vessels. This causes insufficient oxygen supply to the inner ear, leading to sudden deafness. Therefore, we should always keep our emotions stable and comfortable, be magnanimous, properly resolve all kinds of unpleasant things, regularly participate in social activities, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

Avoid prolonged exposure to noise. Knocking sounds and long-term noise exposure can lead to hearing loss and noise-induced deafness. Therefore, you should stay away from noise. High-risk groups (working in high-intensity noise environments) should pay attention to noise protection (wear protective earmuffs and earplugs) etc.) and undergo regular physical examinations.

Be careful not to pick out your ears casually. A little carelessness will damage the external auditory canal, causing infection, leading to inflammation and ulceration. If the tympanic membrane or ossicles are injured, the tympanic membrane may be perforated and affect hearing.

Actively treat various diseases that cause deafness. Such as: Meniere's disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, nephritis, liver cirrhosis, etc. Active treatment of these diseases is very important to improve microcirculation disorders and delay hearing loss.

Choose a sport that suits you for exercise. You can often do some ear massage, such as: massaging the auricle, pinching the earlobe, Roufengchi point, etc., or inserting two index fingers into the two ear holes and quickly pulling them out to improve the blood circulation of the inner ear and maintain the normal function of the eardrum. state.

Presbycusis is a gradual development process and is not easy to detect in the early stages. Therefore, it is best to have a hearing check-up every year.

Once hearing loss occurs, you must go to a regular hospital for treatment. Do not purchase hearing aids online at will, as this may lead to further hearing loss.